Church food bank buys forklift


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Jun 10, 2023

Church food bank buys forklift

Unloading pallets of foods received each month will get a bit easier at the St.

Unloading pallets of foods received each month will get a bit easier at the St. Vincent de Paul Society food bank at Our Lady of Victory Catholic Church thanks to an electric forklift purchased with funds from the North Texas Food Bank.

A Sustainability Grant in the amount of $19,000 was used to purchase the forklift, which will be used in the unloading the numerous pallets of canned goods, frozen foods and fresh fruits and vegetables received each month at the church located 3300 Clarksville St., where the pantry serves almost 300 families each month.

"We simply could not do what we do in the fight against hunger without the support of feeding partners like SvdP at Our Lady of Victory," said Trisha Cunninghanm, president and CEO of the North Texas Food Bank. "Our grant program provides needed resources to our partner agencies allowing them to serve more people in their community. We are grateful for the commitment and dedication of SvDP at Our Lady of Victory to relieve hunger."

The local food bank began serving 30 families in 2007 and has been managed and operated by volunteers and supported by the generosity of parishioners of Our Lady of Victory Church.

In addition to supporting the poverty-stricken through the food pantry, the Society also assists Lamar County residents who are experiencing a temporary financial shortfall and are unable to pay their utility bills.

The distribution of food Saturday at the St. Vincent de Paul Food Pantry at Our Lady of Victory Catholic Church, 3300 Clarksville St., has bee…

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